Saturday, September 26, 2009

वदतु संस्कृतं नित्यं

ॐ नमस्ते |

7 october 2009:
अद्य सप्तम: दिनांक: |
बहव: वाणिज्य संस्था: २००९ वर्षस्य तृतीय त्रैमासिकस्य आर्थिक फलितांशान प्रचुरीकर्तुम प्रबन्धं कुर्वन्त: सन्ति |
[ many corporate organizations would be preparing to publish the 3rd quarter financial results ]
२०१० वर्ष: आर्थिक रीत्या उत्तम: भवेत् इति आशयाम :-)
[ let us hope that 2010 is a better year financially ]

वदतु संस्कृतं नित्यं |

28 september 2009:
अद्य इन्दुवासर: | विजय दशमी कृते कार्यालयस्य विराम: घोषित: आसीत् |
[ today is monday. a holiday was declared at the workplace on account of vijaya dashami. ]
किन्तु 'quarter-end' संबंधी कार्यम पूरयितुम 'office' गन्तव्यं आसीत् |
[ however i had to go to the office, on account of the quarter end work ]
बहवः विभागाः पिहिताः आसन |  कषाय चाय यन्त्रानि चलन्तः आसन ! |
[ many departments were closed. coffee tea machines were running ! ]
-- [ yantraani is wrongly transliterated - the 'Na' kaara is not coming up on the transliterator ]

वदतु संस्कृतं नित्यं |

27 september 2009:
अद्य आयुध पूजा |
[ today is aayudha pooja ]
भारत देशे -  यन्त्र वाहन आदीनाम द्वारा भगवन्तं पूजनं कुर्वन्ति |
[ in India, (people) offer prayers to the God through the machines, vehicles, etc ]
अनेन - कर्मसु कौशलम लभतु  च   समाजस्य रक्षणं भवतु - इति भगवन्तं प्रार्थयाम |
[ by this, we seek blessings from the God to give us the skill in our work, and protection for the entire society ]

वदतु संस्कृतं नित्यं |

26 september 2009:
इतः परं देवनागरी लिपीम् उपयोज्य लिखाम |
[ going forward, we will write using devanagari script ]
अद्य मंदवासर: | today is saturday |
बहूनां संस्थायाम विरामः | it is a holiday in many organizations |
अहम् सिफी broadband मुखेन अंतर्जालम अटन अस्मि | i am roaming the internet through sify broadband |

वदतु संस्कृतं नित्यं
नरसिंह |

Friday, September 18, 2009

sanskrit the simple

aum namaste,

there is a little sanskrit in every language spoken.
day - from 'diva'
night - from 'nakta'

mother - from 'matru'
father - from 'pitru'

a little effort, and we shall be able to speak in sanskrit !
vadatu sanskritam nityam :-)